IEEE Nanotechnology Council- The IEEE Nanotechnology Council is a multi-disciplinary group whose purpose is to advance and coordinate work in the field of Nanotechnology carried out throughout the IEEE in scientific, literary and educational areas. The Council supports the theory, design, and development of nanotechnology and its scientific, engineering, and industrial applications.
Institute for Molecular Manufacturing - is a nonprofit foundation formed in 1991 to carry out research to develop molecular manufacturing (molecular nanotechnology, or MNT). IMM also promotes guidelines for research and development practices that will minimize risk from accidental misuse or from abuse of molecular nanotechnology
International Society for Molecular Electronics and BioComputing (ISMEBC) - is a non-profit international society which fosters the interdisciplinary study of molecular electronics, ionics and photonics and information processing in natural and artificial molecular and biomolecular systems. The Society promotes both fundamental and applied research
Nanotechnology Research Institute - 日本高级工业科学和技术协会(AIST)下属的一个核心分支机构;are strongly committed to long-sighted and strategic advancement of methodology and concepts in nanomaterials and device technology, elucidation and utilization of novel physical, chemical and biological phenomena on the nanometer regime, and their extension to industrially relevant technologies. Competitive staff researchers with a wide interdiciplinary spectrum are exploring the NanoWorld day in and day out.
Europractice - EUROPRACTICE is an EC initiative which aims to stimulate the wider exploitation of state-of-the-art microelectronics technologies by European industry. The ultimate goal of EUROPRACTICE is to enhance European industrial competitiveness in the global market-place
Nanotechnology in Australia - is set up solely for the purpose of providing a single entry point for “Nanotechnology Capability” (or related activities) in Australia by providing links to third party nanotechnology websites in Australia
Nanotechnology Now: Gateway to Everything Nanotech - Reporting on disruptive technologies such as MEMS, NEMS, Nanoscale Materials, Molecular Manufacturing, Quantum Computing, Nanomedicine, Nanoelectronics, Nanotubes, Self Assembly, and Molecular Biology
Nanotechnology: The Homebrew STM Page - to provide a resource for those intrepid explorers who may want to try constructing their own STM. Any help in filling out this outline would be greatly appreciated.